RSP Nutrition ReGen BCAA

Regen BCAA

RSP’s new BCAA named ReGen combines two trends that we’ve been seeing lately in the industry. That is – high ingredient profiles alongside effortful flavoring. If you are used to reading our reviews, you will know that we are all about high ingredient profiles. Quite frankly, we expect a person to be able to get the same results if not better than the clinical study results that prompt the use of said ingredients in the first place.

So, 6 grams of BCAA was a welcome sight. It definitely beats BPI’s “Best BCAA” which only contains a realistic 3 grams of best of true branch chain amino acids. But like BPI’s Best BCAA, you will find great flavoring in ReGen.

Now again, if you know us – flavor is a meaningless ranking factor in regards to a supplement. It simply doesn’t matter if a supplement tastes good to us – it matters if it helps us build more muscle! But, we acknowledge that to many of our readers, flavor does matter. So, we always make it a priority to point out details on how the supplements we review compare to others and the general industry standard.

Flavor wise, RSP’s ReGen is much, much better than the industry standard. Pair this with some added perks like L-Citrulline and coconut electrolytes – and we’ve got an interesting BCAA supplement on our hands.

As you will see, ReGen got a pretty positive review from us. It has a great balance, meaning that it applies to a wide range of fitness goals. There are enough BCAAs in the formula to attract bodybuilders, all-the-while being a flavorful experience that even cardio newbies will enjoy. For either set of individuals – Regen will enhance recovery, reduce soreness, and promote added lean mass which goes a long way for fat metabolism and aesthetics.

Quick Bullet Points for RSP ReGen BCAA

Review of ReGen BCAA (an RSP Nutrition Supplement)

As you can see from the intro synopsis above, ReGen is solid. It provides adequate BCAAs coming at 6 grams (many industry leaders are around 4-5 grams), is modestly priced, and tastes very good. This is the kind of supplement you can take pre, intra, or post workout to meet your needs. There is a particular advantage to intra workout however due to the added L-citrulline and raw coconut powder. A perk that bodybuilders and endurance athletes will both appreciate.

ReGen compared to other Top BCAAs

If you are brand new to BCAA supplements as a whole, the above overview will give you a good idea of what RSP’s ReGen is. But, for more information as a whole, you can view or Why Take Intra Workout Supplements article. BCAAs are often referred to as intra workout supplements as they are most commonly taken at this time. For the rest of you, we can compare ReGen to other BCAA supplements which you may have already taken to offer contrast.

ReGen Vs. Bodybuilding BCAAs
In comparison to aggressive muscle building BCAAs, ReGen holds its ground by price-point. Compared to Gainz by Musclepharm and Post Jym by Jym Supplements – ReGen has a comparable BCAA profile and quantity. But, ReGen does not contain added beta-alanine, creatine, and betaine. Those additions can go a long way for a bodybuilder that’s pushing things to the limit. But, not all bodybuilders take creatine year-round – so ReGen may be the go-to BCAA for non-creatine months.

Digging a little deeper, ReGen does contain a gram of L-Citrulline and coconut powder. This, taken intra workout can give your pre workout an extra pump boost. Also, post workout it can enhance nutrient delivery slightly. That’s a perk worth noting.

ReGen Vs. Running BCAAs
First off, to see what runners normally take to increase endurance, you can view our article Endurance Supplements for Running. Here, you are going to see our chosen industry leaders. In general, runners go two ways regarding their supplements. It’s either a super lean BCAA, or a carb-loaded supplement for serious endurance. ReGen lies more on the lean BCAA side, with the added perks of the Citrulline and coconut powder.

If running is your go-hard passion, then chances are a more aggressive BCAA may be in line for you. But, if you are setting goals for leaning down and toning up your legs – ReGen is perfect. It’s very diet conscious and will do your body right alongside proper nutrition.

Conclusion on this Review

As a whole, ReGen is a supplement that can fit many goals well. It’s specifically a great intra workout supplement, but post workout is solid too. ReGen is not a food replacement, but when added to workouts, can help you to maintenance, grow, and tone your muscles which will aid dieting and bulking.

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